just watch a very interesting channel programme called "生老病死的秘密2 The Secret of Human Life". This episode of the programme talks about the health of human being. In particular, it shows the how one's health in its adult stage is predetermined when one is in the womb. Some of the points that I can recall on hand are:
- if the mother have high blood pressure, infant might suffer from incomplete brain development. This is because the mother cannot channel blood to infant properly during pregnancy.
- there is a high probability when an infant was born underweight, he/she will become overweight in adult stage. This is because when one was still an infant in womb, there was insufficient supply of nutrients. This causes infant to be programmed to have higher demand of nutrients and tend to store more nutrients. This programmed stands life long and affects one to consume more food after borned.
- nausea is a sign of protection to prevent the pregnants to consume food that is human to baby. An articule that I found online talks about the same thing too.
extract from http://www.womenshealthcaretopics.com/preg_vomiting.htm
Spicy and overly fatty foods can certainly contribute to nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. The healthier you eat the less likely you are to feel nauseous. Likewise large and overly heavy meals can sit uncomfortably in the stomach during pregnancy. Pregnancy tends to slow a woman's digestion, hence it makes sense to eat more frequent and smaller meals during the day.
- if the diameter of infant is small, it might be because of insufficient supply of nutrients from mother.
- when the mother suffers diabetes, it will affects infant. When mother have high sugar level, it will causes infant to have high sugar level too because the blood of infant is supplied by the mother.
- having a premature baby might be because of ill-conditioned womb. When the ill-conditioned womb threatens the life of the infant, the infant will send SOS signal to the mother. The mother body system will then reacts to "early release" the infant from womb.