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Monday, April 05, 2010

Is this really what U want?

一种米养百种人. This statement have got a deeper meaning to me recently. Looking at the people surrounding me makes me think about why they are successful in their own way. Some of them are successful academically, some in their career, some in their social life, and many in many different ways or combination of ways.

In particular to sucessful in career, two items hover in my mind whenever I thought about it. Courage to pursue what you want and the capability to acheive what you want.

Putting capabilities aside, I think the upper bound of how successful one can be is set by the courage to pursue. One can be very smart and have perfect plan for everything. But without sufficent courage to execute the plan, nothing can be realized. If one have lots of courage but insufficent planning and capabilities, there is still chance to be successful.

As one grows up, there are more and more things to think/plan/ponder/troubled about. Things that have long term effect and greater impact to life. Career and relationship are the main ones. How much do you want it, how do you want it to be, how good it should be, how much effort you are willing to give, how capable are you.

Often, it hard to acheive and conquer everthing. There is always a give and take. What can you give up to acheive what you want. Does it worth it to give up something to recieve something else? Am I asking too much? Am I on the right track? Is this really what I want? Think I should spend some time to think about it.