My blog

Friday, September 12, 2008

SLOW reaction

After meeting my sup today, I went to can A to join Sam and others for lunch. While queuing at the Jap cursine stall, a friend purposelly knock into me from behind. It took me around 2+sec to react to a shock and another 2+sec to turn and recognise him. We were both shocked to see how SLOW my reaction was today. Even when I was in my sup's office, he commented twice that my reaction is slow. I guess that might be because of the lack of sleep for the recently. My turn into bed time lately have been around 4-5 am and wake up at around 7+ near 8am to 11am. There was once I couldn't really sleep and went to school straight in the morning.

I told my friends how slow my reaction was when I got back and explained it as "slow context switch due to memory overloaded and processor heated up too high" to my friend. Actually these terms are related to one of our current module, Avanced microProceessor system, and my friend commented that my future wife will turn crazy if I keep communicate in these terms with her. Well, I guess thats true if my future wife is non tech person but if otherwise, this way of communicating, in my perspective, is quite fun actually. LOL.